Wednesday, May 27, 2009

First Historic Post!

Many people have obsessions that they chase their entire lives. I have been lucky that the stars combined to allow me to do what I most (almost, well one other thing, no not world dominion) wanted to do. Here is a bevy of spindles waiting their individual turn to be born. I do not think of them as stacks of wooden rounds I simply must plow through, rather, each one is a heirloom tool, sitting quietly until I dust off the excess wood and let them shine.
Don't they look promising? Yes, these have all been born and there were some babies that I will not soon forget. In fact, way in the back- down almost to the bottom of the stack- was a whorl of Australian Red Gum with amazing bee's wing figure that refused to go on the show table. I tried to make it go in the stand at Snake River Fiber Fair. Really I did. But, she is sitting on the shelf of McKenna's room. She is mine although McKenna does not realize it yet. Most things pink end up in my daughters room, but this time, she be mine! She ended up being a new Mjolinor that Bart said he wanted to create for plying. Whatever. I will call her Baby, although she is a big girl. Well, she comes from the best of the big girls now doesn't she? I will have to take a picture and put it in my blog, cause, I have one.